The song I previously mentioned is complete. The music was graciously contributed by my dad, who is awesome and composes classical music. “Children of the Milky Way” is now proper sheet music, with a sheet and everything. Check it out:

Together we begin to sing
to celebrate our mirth
to share this day with everything
that is alive on Earth.
This planet is our place of birth
on which was born this voice
that we, the children of the Earth,
now raise as we rejoice.Yet Earth is but a mote of dust,
a little pale blue dot
beside the Sun that’s given us
all life and strength we’ve got.
It powers all we’ve ever done
and now gives us this voice
that we, the children of the Sun,
now raise as we rejoice.And other suns, obscured by day
that we can see at night,
are what our home, the Milky Way,
appears like from inside.
The dust of stars became the clay
that shaped us and this voice
we children of the Milky Way
now raise as we rejoice.The knowledge we are made of dust
compels us to admit
the universe is in us just
as we are within it.
The dust specks that we are traversed
so much to find this voice
we children of the universe
now raise as we rejoice.
If you would like to use it in any way, please feel free.
If you know Christian church songs, you’ll note this is a lot like those. I imagine this printed out and sung communally in post-religious churchlike settings, such as the fabulous Sunday Assembly. We’ll see if and when that happens. I guess I’ll post a recording here eventually.
For now, here is the melody as a synthesized MP3…
The lyrics are derived from the first Secular Sermon of course. I might do more of these song-shaped excerpts from the sermons eventually. But right now my focus is drawn to the fourth sermon. Things are taking shape there.