The seventh Sermon is complete, barely in time for me to get on the operating table and have specialist surgeons take care of my large brain tumor. Survival not guaranteed, so I’m glad my life’s work is done.
Well, of course technically, there’s more related stuff to do, such as…
- the remaining three translations into German,
- tests with statistically relevant numbers of non-expert meditators,
- turning it into a feature-length event for yoga groups or places like the lovely Church of Interbeing
- and expand that into less open, more critical audiences, like literary circles…
- …or maybe even churches? If they’re curious to see whether atheism can be more than just uncouth denial of all spiritual sentiment.
But for now, I have presented the entire set of all seven Sermons to a few friends, and the feedback was unanimously breathtakingly positive! I made a picture with some quotes:

This image is now a YouTube thumbnail, because I made a new video, with much appreciated help from my brother Hannes:
I expect that YouTube continues to disrupt very deep meditations by splicing ads into them. But 𝕏 does not do that:
What I said there is another point on my to-do list:
- Make a better video. In a beautiful location, with multiple cameras, a properly trained speaker (who has English as their first language) and with extensive preparation, so more of of the text can be spoken from the heart with eyes closed, rather than with eyes open and obviously reading. At the moment I couldn’t do that even financially. And I guess it would make sense to wait until I have the remaining three Sermons translated into German, because once the large effort of such a shoot is done, another language version should be well worth the marginal additional effort.
But first, top priority:
- survive the brain cancer.